Nothing compares to the experience that derives from traveling, even when the destination isn't drastically far. I think it is one of the most important things to do in life; regret never comes from spending my money on gas or flights. Traveling will always remain as one of the elements that contribute towards my personal happiness. Invest in your travels, enjoy/appreciate wherever you go, and expand your new encounters.

Last weekend, I stayed in town to hangout with my grandparents (who are visiting from the mainland) and to celebrate my great grandma's birthday; family tiiime. 
I still wanted to be in staycation mode, but duty called on Monday- and in my case, it was school from 8am to 1:50pm then work right after.  Honestly I still have to unpack my backpack holding miscellaneous items; including the four unused swimsuits that I brought on my two day getaway... Yeah... I'll get to it. Especially since I have to prepare for a bigger trip in the near future.

I can't remember the last time I did a full on, outfit post. Here's my beach to dinner look. 

Top from House of Aria

 Almost done with the semester and it's almost time to hop on another plane? May, I'm excited for ya; I think I'm dreaming. Two questions I wanna end this post with: 
1. What are your plans for summer? 
2. Who else can't stop listening to Kendrick's new album Damn.?


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