Reflection time.
Over my four month hiatus there's been quite a bit of change. Nonetheless, I am still breathing- something I had to stop myself to slow down and do lately. I've had a heartbreak, headaches, and lots of lightbulb moments since my last post. But... I'm back. (Let's be real, how many times have I said that on social media before?) Crossing my fingers that I get back into writing on here regularly and revamp TF a little.

Onto the present: It's summer and I've relocated. If we're talking clothes, I haven't worn jeans in four days. Change is the trending topic here; I love it.

Here are some photos from yesterday afternoon that I honestly hadn't planned on posting. Hey, it's all good though because I found an excuse to jump back into my favorite hobby. 

I didn't forget- Happy fourth friends! Have fun + be safe. See you soon.


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