Even though we've advanced greatly in technology, and I posess several new devices, there's something I love about disposable cameras. It's exciting to snap pics, not be able to see the results, then wait for them to be developed. Growing up, my parents have collected a mass amount of prints- I hope to too! I really wanted to embrace that (sort of) cheesy saying: capture the moment. No filters, tripod, or additional touch ups were necessary. There is a different kind of beauty about these that separates film photos from digitally taken ones.
As if I haven't done this enough (on Instagram & YouTube), let's recap summer:
2 am, sitting outside of the venue, and Jack Antonoff from Bleachers. BTW- okay I lied above, here's one black and white filter.

  P.S. Summertime- come back, it's too cold out here in December :(

(All photos taken with a Fujifilm QuickSnap Flash 400 35mm disposable camera)

1 comment

  1. these are all so sick! love the doodles too <3




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